We are the Morton family and have farmed here at Scotsman Lodge since 1938 - in fact no less than three generations of Mortons have called this 'home' with the fourth hoping to continue. So much has changed in this time - gone are the horse and carts and old machinery - replaced by the state of the art equipment, but at our heart is a very traditional family farm and we still use feed grown from the farm to feed our cattle.
In 2003 Rosemary had the idea to set up a farm shop. After a number years of touring the local farmers markets with a car full of produce and many customer requests she decided that a shop on the farm made sense. Not only was it practical, but it made a real connection between what was being produced and what was being sold. Provenance has always been extremely important to us and this was a way of showing it. In 2009 we opened The Granary Tea Room - this ever popular cafe serves up deliciously simple home cooked food using produce from the farm shop.
The farm shop has now grown beyond expectation and is stuffed full of wonderful fresh meats including our own Willow Brook home reared beef. We are excited for the future and continue to diversify.